Online Collaboration within TURN ONline project

In youth work the usage of digital tools for online collaboration is crucial for ensuring and optimizing the work of volunteers not only when talking about organizing online activities, but also when promoting, preparing and planning offline workshops and seminars. In the multicultural society where we are living, when talking about online collaboration, there are plenty of existing tools that can be used by volunteers. By working online in youth organisation, youth workers become more flexible, tolerant and connected.

Let`s take as an example TURN ONline strategic partnership, where us, partners of 7 youth organizations across Europe from Spain, Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Greece and Hungary have been collaborating online in order to promote digitalization of youth NGOs working in the field of peace and human rights.
How is that possible? By using digital instruments, of course.

Google Drive
Google Drive is one of the most used platforms in digital collaboration. It is a tool that supports the mobility of youth workers, the platform can be accessed from any corner of the world either offline or online, by synchronizing the content so that it can become available to other collaborators.
Google Drive allows you to create Google Docs files, to upload videos, documents, to collaborate online on content development by using a comments system or with the help of Google Hangouts.
Example: Youth workers from Poland, Romania, Bulgaria and Greece can work together on developing a project by using Google Drive. Each of them can contribute by offering suggestions, comments, modifying the content in real time.

Slack is an online tool that empowers digital collaboration. Individuals can create channels – in order to send messages, upload documents, records, video, files. In other words, Slack saves time and supports collaboration and teamwork. Moreover, there are more than 1000 apps you can integrate in your Slack channel, such as SurveyMonkey, Dropbox, Trello, Google Hangouts. In this way, people can focus more on their core activities and make their work more efficient through the usage of digital tools.
Please check the video below to find out more about Slack. 

Trello definitely stands for efficient collaboration. You can create boards, lists, cards, prioritize your tasks and projects in your team and, by this way, contribute to your team`s productivity. Also in Trello`s workflows you can include different apps such as Calendar, Agile Cards, RealTimeBoard and personalize in the most appropriate way the platform for your team. One of the biggest advantages of Trello is that it can be accessed anytime and from any device. Isn't that amazing?
Please check the video below to find out more about Trello.

And how do you organize your collaboration work online?